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BB fold stats broken down by position

So i would like to see BB fold vs CO,Btn, SB steal etc

holdemmanager, 03.03.2011, 01:01
Response from the site administrator
holdemmanager, 02.05.2011
The following stats were added that relate to this suggestion:

BB Raise SB Steal (based on #41, #15)
BB Defend SB Steal (based on #41, #15)
BB Fold to BTN Steal (#15)
BB Raise BTN Steal (#15)
BB Defend BTN Steal (#15)
BB Fold to CO Steal (#15)
BB Raise CO Steal (#15)
BB Defend CO Steal (#15)
Idea status: completed


holdemmanager, 03.03.2011, 01:18
Also would like to see call stats for the same situation

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