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127 votes Vote

BB raise when SB completes stat

Title says it all

holdemmanager, 03.03.2011, 01:01
Idea status: completed


xukxuk, 26.03.2011, 15:34
this is already possible
Drew, 02.04.2011, 19:58
Useless. No idea why this is getting so many votes. The only way this would be necessary is if you wanted to start completing the SB and wanted to see what someone's range for raising your SB complete was, but this is stupid because a) completing the SB is generally not a great play, and b) completing the SB is relatively rare so this stat will virtually never be statistically significant.

In short, why this has the most votes is completely beyond me. Are people just voting for whatever's at the top of the list?
Drew, 02.04.2011, 20:01
Just to clarify, completing the SB is extremely rare from regulars, so almost every bit of data contributing to this stat will be from a fish completing the SB. However, someone using HEM and HEM stats is probably not a fish and therefore this stat is again useless b/c it will have no data on how often someone raises a regular's SB complete.

gah. so stupid.
akaAlso, 07.04.2011, 21:01
This is a massive improvement for HU players.
None of the currently available stats work correctly for this situation, and believe me when I say many have tried to find a way around this!
Drew, 10.04.2011, 22:24
Well I look like a dick. I guess it would be useful for HU.
Marc, 11.04.2011, 11:28
This stat is extremly useful for HUSNG players.
There're plenty of limpers even up to the midstakes and it's an interesting stat to find out how players react to limping.

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